How Kingdoms Maintained Peace

How Kingdoms Maintained Peace

A kingdom is a piece of land that is ruled by a king or a queen. In a kingdom, one person, who has inherited their position by birth or marriage, is the leader or head of state. One of the earliest types of societies on earth, kingdoms date back thousands of years...
Are Giants Real?

Are Giants Real?

Giants are huge mythical beings, usually humanlike in form (Britannica). The word giant derives from the Gigantes of Greek mythology. The Gigiantes were monstrous, savage creatures with men’s bodies and having serpentine legs. Modern perception of giants has evolved:...
Ancient Weapons

Ancient Weapons

A weapon is an instrument used in combat for the purpose of killing, injuring, or defeating an enemy (Brittanica). Selecting the correct weapon to be used in the battle is crucial as this made the difference between winning a battle or be killed. Here is a list of...
A New Fantasy Adventure Series Begins

A New Fantasy Adventure Series Begins

From someone who enjoys fantasy novels, games and stories comes a new book series where he is finally living the adventure of a lifetime as an author. In Book 1 of Chronicles of Eldrin, author Brad Kuipers takes readers to a faraway land where they will find...